Apache Plume, Native Garden, Colorado

From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up explores agriculture and sustainable land management through images created at urban farms and gardens in Colorado. This series also highlights native pollinator plants that support vital species, including bees and butterflies.


High Creek Fen

High Creek Fen examines an ecologically rich wetland in Colorado that has preserved ancient flora and fauna since the last Ice Age.

Grey Crowned Crane-Endangered

Code Red

My Code Red series responds to the global climate crisis and puts a spotlight on Earth's mass species extinction. The images reflect humanity's impact on nature and serve as a call to action to help save our planet's biodiversity.

Scorched Tree #1, Lefthand Canyon Wildfire Burn Scar, Boulder County, CO


Scorched documents the devastating wildfire burn scars in Colorado. The images also illuminate nature's resilience by documenting the burnt landscape's post-fire regeneration.

Stay-at-Home Order  #2

Stay-at-Home Order

Stay-at-Home Order features images created in our suburban home in Colorado during the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home and Safer-at-Home Orders.

Kateryna-Ukrainian Heritage

American Mosaic

Kateryna-Ukrainian Heritage

My American Mosaic portrait series illustrates the beauty of a diverse society and explores identity and self-expression.

Koi Fish, Chinatown NYC

NYC Days

NYC Days was created during the years I lived in Manhattan from 2000-2011 and captures a whimsical side of the Big Apple. The photographs reveal the creativity, energy, and, occasionally, the absurdity of my New York City encounters.
